     Table of Contents Chapter 24 24.5.2 declension of adjectives after adjectives of quantities
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Chapter 24: Adjectives

  24.5.2 declension of adjectives after adjectives of quantities

There are some adjectives that express quantities. These adjectives are called quantitative adjectives. Some examples should clear thing up a bit.

  Alle Männer sind sterblich. All men are mortal.
  Alle Frauen sind sterblich. All women are mortal.
  Manche Männer sind schon tot, obgleich sie es noch nicht gemerkt haben. Some men are already dead, although they didn't notice yet.
  Manche Frauen sind schon tot, obgleich sie es noch nicht gemerkt haben. Some women are already dead, although they didn't notice yet.
  Beide Personen haben keine Phantasie. Both persons don't have fantasy.
  Viele Personen arbeiten in der öffentlichen Verwaltung. Many people work in the public administration.
  Zu viele Personen arbeiten in der öffentlichen Verwaltung. Too many people work in the public administration.

The declension of substantivated adjectives is the same like the declension of adjectives with a definite article. The table you'll find below.

endings of the declensions with definite article
neutral singular plural masculine singular plural feminine singular plural
  Nominative -e -en Nominative -e -en Nominative


  Genitive -en -en Genitive -en -en Genitive -en -en
  Dative -en -en Dative -en -en Dative -en -en
  Accusative -e -en Accusative -en -en Accusative -e -en

   example with all(e,es,er,en,allem) *
Alles Undisziplinierte ist ihm fremd.

All undisziplined is unknown to him.
Die Wildheit alles Undisziplinierten
hasste er.
He hated the wildness of all undisziplined.

Mit allem Undisziplinierten hatte er Probleme. He had problems with all undisziplined.

Er sah alles Undisziplinierte als
Krankheit an.
He considered all undisziplined as an illness.
  nominativ/ feminine-masculine/plural Alle Undisziplinierten sind ihm sympathisch. All undisciplined seem to be nice to him.
  Genitive/ feminine-masculine/plural Die Wildheit aller Undisziplinierten macht Angst. He was afraid of the wildness of all undisziplined (people).
  Dative/ feminine-masculine/plural Allen Undisziplinierten hat er gesagt, dass sie mehr arbeiten müssen. He told all undisziplined (people) that they had to work more.
  acusativ/ feminine-masculine/plural Er sah alle Undisziplinierten.

He saw all undisziplined.

* The phrases are a bit weird, we admit. We just wanted to give some examples in different declensions. Given the difficult character of substantivated adjectives it was quite difficult.

The logic remains the same whether there is a definite article or not.

Alle die Blauen gibst du mir. You give all the blue (ones) to me.
  Alle Blauen gibst du mir.

example con beid(e,en,em,er)
Ich habe die beiden Roten gewaschen. I have washed the two red (ones).
  Ich habe den beiden Verrückten fünf Euro geschenkt. I have given five Euros to the two crazy ones.
