video 006: explanations :: grammar :: vocabulary

Hallo, heute bin ich alleine hier. = Hello, here we are again.

sein - bin = to be - I am
hier = here
alleine = alone

Meine Schwester hab' ich wohl letztes Mal in Bayern vergessen. = It seems that I have forgotten my sister last time in Bavaria.

meine = my
Schwester = sister
letzter = last
letztes Mal = last time
vergessen - vergessen = to forget - forgotten

Grammar: The correct form of the first person singular of 'haben' would be (ich habe) with an 'e', but this e very often is omitted. This is a phenomena you can see very often in German, the final 'e' has a hard live in German.

Das ist aber nicht schlimm, die kommt schon irgendwann wieder. = But that' s nothing serious, she will return.

schlimm = severe
irgendwann = (one day)

Heute geht es um Sachsen - Anhalt. Das ist hier irgendwo hinter mir, ziemlich in der Mitte. = Today we are going to talk about Sachsen - Anhalt. You find it somewhere behind me, almost in the middle.

heute = today
irgendwo = somewhere
ziemlich = here: almost
hinter = behind

Die Hauptstadt von Sachsen - Anhalt heißt Magdeburg und aus Magdeburg kommen diese Jungs. = The capital of Sachsen - Anhalt is Magdeburg and Magdeburg is the city where this boys come from.

Hauptstadt = capital
kommen - kommen = to come - they come
Junge - Jungs = boy - boys

Vielleicht kennt die ja einer von Euch. = Perhaps someone of you know them.
vielleicht = perhaps
kennen - kennt = to know - you know
euch = you

Also, mir sind sie viel zu alt, aber meine Mutter findet die ganz toll! = Well, for me, they are to old, but my mother like them

viel = a lot
zu viel = to much
toll = fantastic

Und meine Oma. = and my grandmother.

Oma = grandmother

In a more formal context one would say Großmutter instead of Oma.

Mehr weiß ich nicht über Sachsen - Anhalt. = I don' t know more of Sachsen - Anhalt.

mehr = more

Grammar: We see once again a phenomena we already know. If a sentence starts with an adverb, in this case 'mehr', the subject goes behind the verb. 'Ich weiß nichts über Sachsen - Anhalt' but 'Mehr weiß ich nicht, über Sachsen - Anhalt'.

Doch, ich weiß, wie das Wappen aussieht! Nämlich so. = Well, one thing I still know, I know how the emblem looks like! It is like this.

Wappen = emblem
sehen = to look
aussehen = to look like

Grammar: This is a phenomena we have already seen very often. The verb with the prefix has a completely different meaning than the verb without the prefix.

Das war' s, bis zum nächsten Mal! = This is all, till next time.

sein - war = to be - was

'Das war's' corresponds to 'Das war es'. It is an idiomatic expression which corresponds to "That' s it' in english.